Main task of AGFS module is simulation of above ground installation of gas storage facility. The module supports the process dispatcher with forecasting the future state of above ground equipment depending on his decisions.
Main benefits of AGFS relate to quick evaluation of possible configuration of aboveground equipment assuring possibility of nominated gas flow execution. This, combined with the estimated cost of operation provides important support of dispatching process.
Key functions
Separate models for each technological element (filter-separator, free water knock-out, gas drying column, flow metering equipment, reduction valve, gas compressor, heater) with their own parameters and limits
Model describes available connections between above ground equipment
AGFS simulates flows, pressures and temperatures at inlets and outlets of each equipment, based on gas flow path and flow set-points in key installation points provided by user
Feasibility verification of nominated gas flow execution with a selected gas paths
AGFS estimates operational cost of executing the gas flow via selected gas path to support user in choosing most beneficial solution from both, technical and economical perspective